hope for a little less pain. |
hope for the families with no homes. |
hope for help from above. |
hope for compassion. | | |
hope to keep moving forward. |
Seeing this simply breaks my heart, horror striking in more and more places, people dead or missing, homes and cities torn apart, losing everything and so much more I can hardly comprehend. But I have hope that things will start to be okay, maybe not today or tomorrow, but sometime. I cant imagine losing a loved one so quickly in a mater of days and with everything being practically gone and piled up, who knows if you'd ever find them.
My heart goes out to Japan and its people. But I know they have hope, hope that things will get better. Not to mention the chemical outburst from all the nuclear plants, workers going back to help and try to fix the problem. I give them props for doing the right thing. they're all going through so much when I hardly even have to worry that something like that would happen in the U.S. I hope for many things one day not just for me, but for the world.
hope for love. |
hope for more happiness. |
and less sadness. |
hope for more life and color. |
and a little less sickness and death. |
hope for a better tomorrow. |
Je t'aime
-Dearest Lovely
Emily, dear! You inspire. Never be anything but yourself. 'Cause that's really amaaazing. :)
Also, I love when you post. I love coming to your blog and hearing your fun playlist.
Hey! There's a picture of me on here! I'm going to be famous now!