i would like to take this opportunity to blog about three fellow bloggers of mine!
Brooke(no middle name)Phillips!
it's so hard to describe this girl in one word. she pretty much has the ability to rock anyones world. she is tall. very..very tall. but it helps define who she is, she cant stay mad for more than 15 minutes and she carries the sweetest smile that lights up any room. she is filled with the spirit and watching her bear her testimony is so wonderful. she inspires my life, and her love for any human is beautiful. she also has the gift of bringing out the beauty of life in a photograph, her photography is amazing! i am truely thankful to have a special person like brook in my life :)
Ashley Kate Greenwood!
haha i love this girl, when i need to laugh really hard i turn to her, her sense of humor is the best! she knows how to stand her ground and knows what she wants. shes always willing to do the nicest things for people, (heart shaped cupcakes) her hair amazes me, its pretty much white, and its beautiful to me! shes smart and is there for the people she loves, she too is filled with a spirit so sweet and loving, she makes you feel at home! i dont know what i would do without her! i love being around her and just doing anything with this beautiful girl!
Emilee Jane Eddings!
oh man, i think of bright neon color when i think of this purty little girl. she has fashion sense like no other, basketball shorts, tye dye shirts, a red headbadn, and yellow socks. yet it looks so good! she is definatly someone you should meet! shes a joker but i love her, always wanting to meet new people and try the craziest things! shes definalty outgoing and such a sweet girl, she loves snow cones and her Wii skills are out of this world! the spirit radiates around her constantly making her glow! and i love her eye lashes haha. emilee is my darling face and i love her!
-dearest lovely
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