Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thank you alice ;)

ALICE. another epic photoshoot accomplished by ekoorb and eelime!! this was inspired by alice and wonderland. (tim burton addition) i love this guy! hes such and inspiration to me. and alice in wonderland being my favorite movie, it was a hit! i died my hair pink. yes pink. it looks so COOL!!! im lovin it. its only temporary though *sigh* i was the mad hatter..yet i didnt have a hat, ashley was the white queen, it was legit. brooke and emilee, once again you have amazed me.

-Dearest Lovely

Monday, March 8, 2010

dream dream dream

Ever had a dream that's vertigo? a dream that makes no sense whatsoever, changing from scene to scene. kina like Alice and wonderland? I was standing in a cold parking lot, with people I knew in a state of mind. in reality. they didn't exist. i saw a building I walked inside. it was like willy wonka. candy everywhere, being a diabetic I just about passed out. then I was running no where it was white everywhere, and the harder i tried to run the harder it was to get anywhere. Dreams are a way for our psyche to express itself, its own little way of working through our worries and strife's, sometimes our happiness's and joys. That's were bad and good dreams come from, crazy no?

-Dearest Lovely

Sunday, March 7, 2010


photography. the talent to capture the beauty in things that go unnoticed. the beauty we have to bring out is everywhere. something that could be ugly to one and magnificent to another, is a wonderous thing. how our minds think alike yet so different. i hear that with each picture that is taken, you lose apart of your soul..i doubt that. i think pictures bring you out as a person, show people your beauty, everyone has it. and the people who have the talent to bring it out, are definatly extroadinary.
-dearest lovely

Saturday, March 6, 2010

tye die

oi. i got a call today from Ee-lime. Her and Ekoorb wanted to take photos using me as a model, ecstatic! i love brooks pictures and now i get to see Emilee's work! i love these girls, i defiantly want to take some more with them sometime. its officially spring break!! they also taught me how to climb, fat mans pass...dead mans pass..its someones pass! i swear i thought i got stuck, talk about feeling fat, today was a good day.
-dearest lovely

You little blogger you :)

Made a blog, at first i thought this kind of technology was out of my league, i could barely figure out Facebook!! its about time i got a digital diary, everyone is going in different directions, gotta keep in touch somehow right?
may my memories never be forgotten.