Thursday, August 23, 2012

A different kind of work.

When I say different, I mean relationship wise. Turns out I had forgotten how much work and effort you have to put into a relationship. 

But hear me out, I'm not saying its a drag, if you've been in a relationship you know its not.
I guess when it comes to relationships, its all about picking out that person you're willing to work things out with, 
willing to fight with
fight for
cry for
work for
live for
smile for
die for.

Sometimes people have to take a few stepping stones to get to the right person; amazing person.
Chances are he'll never read this post, but I have to say that words hardly describe how thankful I am for such a caring person walking into my life. Someone who has always seen me as a beautiful person, even at my ugliest. Someone who has never judged me, always helped me, and still been there even when I pushed him as far away as you could push someone. 

So this post is for my babe, Steven.
Thank you, so much, for just loving me the way I am. 

-Dearest Lovely

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Holy moly, i certainly have a lack of consistancy when it comes to blogging.
ya know, people say high school is soooo hard and sucky. But they also say its worth it in the end. To finally walk across that stage a graduated woman made me want to throw my hands up and let my scream be heard across the auditorium. It almost still doesnt feel real.
For those of you struggling out there, keep your head up, and push forward. I know how hard it is and how easy it is to give up. 
Even if you switch to a different school, to packets, to half drop out, to adult post high school. What matters is that you graduated, and you earned that diploma one way or another, SO CELEBRATE!
 I'm so thankful for my parents pushing me and making me go, especially when I didnt want too. Also to my friends for your love and support, I love you guys, 
Thank You

-Dearest Lovely 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Right here in my open hands.

And maybe i'm just a little girl, a little girl with great big plans <3

SO. Lots of stuff a happenin! I'm getting ready to graduate! SO STOKED.
It's really hitting home though. I mean this is where I'm really gonna have to move on and start a whole new life.
BUT on the brightside, my best friend Madi and I are going to have THE BEST GRAD TRIP EVER.
Her parents got us a nice room in a lodge in Zion National Park <3
Which I am SO thankful for! Where gonna hike and tan and swim and hike more and be super awesome for graduating :]

-Dearest Lovely

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I think I'm officially deciding to go to Paul Mitchell School of Cosmetology :]
I wanna be a makeup artist, makeup is such a intriguing thing to me and it's what I love to do! I mean what a better way to live your life doing what you love AND getting paid for it! It's time for me to spread my wings and kick butt :] soon as I graduate.

-Dearest Lovely

Saturday, February 4, 2012

dreams come true right?

I have a class that I'm currently taking, its a little gem called "Adult Roles"
AND I caught wind that we have to plan our OWN weddings....erm.
I have sooo many ideas so I'm gonna share :]
P.S my amazing cousin just got engaged! love her!

-Dearest Lovely

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


A new year has risen.
And with a new year comes new experiences, decisions, memories, and a new me.
I'm doing better :]
I'm starting to laugh a little more
starting to smile a little more
starting to think and chose for myself
starting to improve myself.

A new year has risen indeed <3

-Dearest Lovely

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Work it girl

I need to kick my butt into action and bring my grades up.
I want to push myself out there.
I should stop worrying about others opinions and live my life (within reason)
I have decided to embrace my bohemian style and way of thinking.
And lastly...I will be me.

-Dearest Lovely